Saturday 23 January 2016

Travel Often Getting Lost Will Help You Find Yourself: Sydney Episode

Sydney is like a second home to me.  After all it where my second family lives. 

The coastal walk from Clovelly to Bondi leaves you speechless. You are introduced to a beach life that you cannot find anywhere. Neither Barcelona nor LA can compete with Sydney beaches. You've got to teach your kids how the ocean works when they are around age 5. Otherwise, the ocean can be really scary. You've got to learn how to keep up with the waves. Then, all you need is to ride the amazing waves. 


Australia also means friends-for-life. Conversations that you pick up right where you left off years ago. Friends that teach you how to look deep into your soul and smile. Even though oceans apart, we are always together in heart and soul.


And the parties.. Crazy, fancy, mind blowing parties. I absolutely love partying with these amazing souls!   

The Kingsford Airport is the saddest place on earth. Its scarier than a hospital for me. Its always hard to say goodbye but we try to hold on to our beautiful memories rather than the distance between us. Keep on and keep the smile on! 

Travel Often Getting Lost Will Help You Find Yourself: Malaysia Episode

Malaysia was really Truly Asia with its rich culture and nature. 

In the Quran paradise is depicted as "gardens watered by running streams" and Malaysia is like a reflection of paradise on earth with its evergreen rainforests dancing hand in hand with the ocean.


From Buddhist temples to Hindu temples, from Roman Catholic churches to Maliki mosques all roads led to an indescribable peace that would take over one's mind and heart. The craftsmanship was laudable on each and every one these holly architectures. The colourful outlook of these buildings created a rainbow of joyful celebration of a variety of believes. But most importantly, it was surrounded with respect for one and other.

On a special note for Islam; the call to prayer wasn't broadcasted loudly from the mosques. You really need to make an effort to hear the azan but mosques were packed during the prayer times. So, I guess you don't have to scream at the top of your lungs to convince people to visit the mosque and carry out their religious duties.

The cuisine was as colourful and prolific as the religious front. It was a fusion of indonesian and indian cuisines with a twist of lime on everything. Most of the vegetables were advised to be consumed raw. Imagine the fresh taste! And, it was incredibly cheap. This is the first time that I've visited a country which offered incredibly delicious and nutritious food for less than $5. I thought food was cheap in Turkey, scratch that.  

On convergence with Turkey, the streets (in Kuala Lumpur mostly not in Kuching) were quite dirty. It looked like you've taken the back streets of Eminonu and placed them in southeast asia. There were super old and dirty looking apartments right next to newly built, super luxurious skyscrapers. The income gap was so evident and heartbreaking. I've come to realise that its also the case in Qatar. - but its another story for another post.    

Staying at a tree house in the heart of the rainforest was a-ma-zing! The nature was mesmerising. Waking up and going to sleep with the sound of the waves was therapeutic. But, no matter how much repellant you put on your skin there is no hiding from the mosquitos. And, you cannot use the tap water to brush your teeth so that's another challenge in the mornings.  

Closing remarks, kudos to Malaysia for showing me a version of Islam which was really like the ancient Medina people; lenient, respectful and inclusive.