Monday 29 June 2015

VENI, VIDI, VICI De La Cannes Des Festival Lions

Festival is the keyword here. Big, fat festival of international genuinity. 
Most frequently used saying was "tapping into" some source of creativity. It was a tap dance of ideation. 

The changing zeitgeist of the time.. 

Creativity was tried to be defined and it was decided to be left undefined. 
It requires you to take bold risks but it cannot be rushed.. It takes research and reflection. It takes time. Fear of failure will do you no good. Persistence is in the heart of this journey whereas humor is your companion. You need to have fun. All work and no play will take you no where. Come along and maybe you'll find your inspiration in the play ground. 

Remember the time mobile was taking over? Now, its both data and health's turn. Out with the old (metrics) and in with the new (biometrics). 20th century's significance lied upon civil rights movement and it looks like 21st century's focus will be health and wellness movement supported by technology. Diet, nutrition and how you manage stress can actually lengthen your telometers in return prolong your life. Meditation can actually change the way how your body reads your genes. Can't really say that we are about to unlock the mysteries of life, per se, we are getting closer to understand how our minds, souls and bodies are connected to each other.

Data, integrated into music, takes the digital experience into a whole another level. 

Beacons are yesterday's news. Sound is unlocking the ultimate connected experience. The new data-over-audio technology creates a new engagement window.

In this new era, where mobile driven data is used to enhance the engagement on many levels, content may very well still be the king but context is the emperor. Ideas are the new commodity in this world. Brands need to claim a purpose/goal for existing (ie. Nike's brand purpose is to bring out your inner athlete). And tell their stories in a hyper segmented way to touch each and everyone one of us. Those stories must be told in a platform agnostic way. That's the only way to achieve sufficient reach in this audience centric market. 

Storytelling is dead, long live story-doing. You need people to engage with your brand in all the relevant ways and co-create the story together. You'll curate your community like a delicate lace work.  

Then again, we end up at right where we've started. The insight. 

You need to identify the human truths. The functional value that your product/service provides and the emotional levers (triggers) to initiate the first moment of truth: testing. 

emotional: love, joy, surprise, fear, sadness, anger

functional: education (provide new info) I entertainment (fun intermission from daily life) utility (save money, time, resources) access (exclusive to me) community (support a cause)

The never ending search for insight continues where as new platforms and formats emerge. Social media will become 

Shoppable __ watch video, learn how to and purchase online.
Snackable __ get it, digest it and move on. Vine videos
Automated __ artificial intelligence "watson ai" is knocking on our door. organic will move to programatic ~ advertisement's problems of `clutter`, `interruption` and `irrelevance` will be solved via programatic solutions ~
Connective __ south - north korea translator app
Filtered __ hear what you wanna hear
Integrated __ social CRM
Chinese __ biggest contributor to GDP
Subcutaneous __ under your skin, wearable technology going under ur skin
Empowering __ `look at me` austism app

The take home message was to be aware of and be humbled by the blessings you've been given and ambitiously work to align the stars to create your own constellation. 

Intentions resonate.. It's written all over you and your work. Create with good intentions. Remember, we are all wired the same way. The millennial mind has an eye for it. But, eventually we can all see through your intentions. So, be true.